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Shout out to my boy Shiv for bringing this up.  READ CAREFULLY.


Before I getinto the details, please file your Federal and State Tax. (Don’t know how to doit? Please scroll to the very bottom to the FAQs).The sooner you file them, the sooner youget your refund back. Students who didn’t earn anything in the last calendar year NEED TO file their taxes anyway.


Now getting to the actual information, please take your W2 and have a look at box # 4-Social security tax withheld, and box #6 – Medicare Tax withheld.  As a lawfully employed nonresident F-1 or J-1 visa holder (NON RESIDENT ALIENS ALONE) you are not subject to social security withholding or reporting requirements until your 6th year in the U.S.



What that means? – If you are an international student who has been in the US for less than that time period, the box #4, #6 should not technically show any amount withheld.

(Additionalinformation on W2 can be found here:

If you have lost your W2 here is a link to ask for a duplicate.



Had a look at your W2?

If you havean amount that has been withheld in box #4 and #6, read on. If not, thefollowing information is not relevant to you. Get back to having fun. If youwant to read it anyway, please do so and share the information with your friends.



Excerpt from UC International tax website: The Internal Revenue Code and theSocial Security Act allow an exemption from social security/medicare taxes to international students who have entered the United States on F-1 or J-1 status and who are still classified as non resident aliens under the residency rules of the Internal Revenue Code. As discussed above, this means that students in F-1 or J-1 non immigrantstatus who have been in the United States less than all or part of 5 calendaryears are still nonresident aliens and are still exempt from socialsecurity/medicare taxes. This exemption also applies to any period in which the international student is in practical training allowed by the INS, as long asthe international student is still a nonresident alien under the code.



Technically, your Glacier Tax Prep SHOULD generate two forms for you along with your other forms. If you’ve already got these forms off of glacier tax prep, don’t worry. You’re good.



If not, please visit this link for all the information you’ll need to claim your social security/medicare tax that has been withheld:



NOTE: All the information that UCInternational can give you is already on this link. Do not storm the office forstuff that’s already here. Call in ONLY if need be.  


Forms that you have to send can be downloaded here (Form 843 and pre-filled Form 8316): 


Instructions for Form 843


Question 1
Indicate the dates that you were employed where Social Security Taxes were withheld. If you worked for more than one tax year you will need to complete a Form 843 for each tax year.

Question 2
Write the amount of Social Security Taxes thatwere withheld.

Question 3
Place an "X" in the"Employment" box.

Question 4
Leave Blank

Question 5a
Check the third box. Write "SocialSecurity Tax Erroneously withheld by employer. See Attached Forms 8316, W-2 andI-94"


5b – Mention the period you were employed/receivingpaychecks for. I’m doing the same. If there are any changes, I’ll be sure toedit this part as and when I get to know about it.

Leave 6 and 7 blank. (That’s what I was told.)


Signature and date.



Instructions for Form 8316

I was told that fill out the boxes after Box #9 on this form. That's Sign. Date. Telephone. Convenient Hours for them to call. 

Sign, date. Print clearly a phone number that you can becontacted at. Also indicate a time that it would be easiest to contact you atthis telephone number.



Do Not Mail these documents with your annual income tax return!


I am going to be mailing it to the Philadelphia address since that's what UC Payroll gave me. However,  the address given on UC International Website is different. 


Internal RevenueService

Mail Stop 4921 IPF

1973 N. Rulon WhiteBlvd.

Ogden, UT 84404


What address you send your form to is up to you.





Q. Form 8316 says “Request for Refundof Social Security Tax” only and doesn’t mention Medicare. What do I do?

A: Fill it out any way and send it along.


Q: Who is going to fill out my Form 8316, Q 1-5? It says “employer, or verified by astatement/letter given to you by the employer”. What do I do?

A: Don't worry about it. The pre-filled form works.


Q: I only have my current W2. What do I do to get a copy of the older W2s?

A: Here is a link to ask for a duplicate.


Q: I have lost my latest W2. What do I do to get a copy?

A: Here is a link to ask for a duplicate.


Q. What do I do to file my taxes?

A: Log into your 

Look at themenu of the left. Look for Insurances and finances and Click on it.

Click onGlacier Tax Prep. Read the information on the right. 


Once you’redone with that and have all the documents ready to fill out, click on Access Glacier Tax Prep at the bottom.

Create anaccount if you already don’t have one.


Then on, it’s pretty self-explanatory.


PS: I won't be able to answer questions about stuff on Glacier tax prep. 



MOST international students, (Non-ResidentAliens ONLY) are exempt from Social Security/ Medicare tax. You can applyfor a refund, which may take 3-4 months. YOU CAN APPLY FOR THIS ANY TIME OF THE YEAR. FILE YOUR FEDERAL TAX AND STATE TAX AS SOON AS YOU CAN. YOU CAN GET THIS DONE LATER.


1. Visit for all the relevant        information.

2. Go to University Hall for get yourForm 8316 filled out. (Will let you know where)

3. Mail it. 

4. Wait to get your refund. 

Look who's gonna have more money in the bank account now? You're welcome! :P LOL


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